Site Navigation

About BUFORA In this ever growing site, we will endeavour to bring you regularly updated news, articles and events information along with an up-to-the-minute status on UFO cases received by the Association as they come in.
Join BUFORAFor research, you will have free access and download of BUFORA's extensive case report database, an archive which dates back to 1932 with over 6000 entries.Under Construction
That's not all. Find out about a local group near you or visit The Store for a listing of many companies offering UFO related products and services.

If you would like to submit material for BUFORA On-Line contact Mike Wootten


UFO TimesUFO Times Selected Articles Specially selected articles written by the best in British Ufology
The Jenny Randles Column A British viewpoint from the UK's leading UFO researcher.
From the Chair An update on BUFORA and UFO issues from BUFORA's Chairman, John Spencer.
Newsflash Keeping an eye on the British UFO Scene...and beyond.
Events Update An up to date list of all UFO up and coming related events.

Research and Investigation The Archive The case report database. (under construction)
Research News Includes the latest BUFORA research projects with results and updates.
Projects Contains details on all projects currently being undertaken by BUFORA.
Sightings Sightings from past and present, reported as they come in.

The Main ContactsThe Local Angle A full listing of contact names and addresses of all local UFO groups around the UK including local UFO group news.
The Store A comprehensive listing of UK companies retailing UFO related material.
Link-Out A launch pad out to other UFO related Internet Web Sites.

Members Only Join BUFORA How to become a BUFORA Member

Members Only includes internal Association news and reports along with an interactive members forum.


Site News

Members Only
The Members Only site is now fully operational. The BUFORA messageboard is running perfectly and we are currently loading more information ontot his area.

New Server
BUFORA On-Line will soon be moving to a new (and hopefully faster) server. With this move will come a new URL, http://www.bufora.org.uk so watch this space.

BUFORA Archive
We are now on the verge of delivering the case report archive.

This will be the first fully searchable and fully interactive UFO report database to be available on the WWW (well as far as we know!)

Mike Wootten